Mad City Vettes (MCV) located in the Madison WI area consists of a group of Corvette Enthusiasts who have a common interest in participating in events around the Corvette. Events include car shows, parades, charity functions, road cruises, road rallyes, caravans and many other fun events. This is a car club established to promote the Corvette and have fun!!!
We have members of various ages, backgrounds, singles, couples, those who know everything about Corvettes and those who just love to drive Corvettes with their friends. Members’ Corvettes range from those driven daily to work and others that are show cars. We welcome you to the club and invite you to visit us during one of our many events. See the list of upcoming events and feel free to join us. Monthly club meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month. See Event Calendar for details.
Want to join us?
New Member Applications
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